Small Pieces of We

Sunday always makes me feel a little sentimental. I find myself longing for the days when there was no job waiting for me on Monday and no school on the horizon for my daughter, Miss C. When our whole world was we.
Today I am enjoying the beauty of the last few hours of the weekend. Small pieces of we:
- The hot sun and it's glowing warmth on bare shoulders and the cool escape to a quiet air conditioned house
- The way Miss C still holds my hand in hers as we walk across a parking lot and all the way into the store ( I know these days are dwindling and I cherish each fleeting one)
- My dog Tiny (who will ALWAYS be just a little bit fat) curled up beside me on the couch the irony is not lost on me
- A 1st Birthday party full of sweet, tiny frosting kisses and the joyous ache of memories being made
- A husband who still laughs when I run into/trip over a door frame/coffee table/dog (it happens often) and then kisses me and asks if I'm okay...even after 12 years together
- A daughter who believes "LOVe IS All it taKes to Make A Differents" so much she wrote it in her best 2nd grade handwriting across 10 sheets of construction paper (it's hanging on my dining room wall...because I truly want to believe it too)